Wednesday 8 January 2014


The annual torture tracking finals taking place in Kidderminster have been brought to an end after the Famous Franche Four saw off tough opponents the Komby Kids.

The match started at 10am this morning with the Franche Four being the youngest finalists ever to take part in an official Torture Tracking Competition.

The Franche Four, all 12 years old,  saw off tough opposition such as the Aggborough Ardnuts and the Sion Hill Sausages in previous rounds to make the final.

Komby Kids started off well by chucking Suzi of the Franche gang off a cliff. Bt in true Franche Four fashion, forefiting fighting for failure was not an option for Suzi, who carried on and stamped on the knee of Kombys Kane Kikka, 36, putting him out of the match.

Komby Kids then lost another team member in Jimmy Jockey, 27, who was beaten around the head with sticks by Peter and Rupert from Franche.

The drubbing ended when the final two members of Komby Kids, Jack and Glen, both 32, were subjected to water torture and fingers chopped off by Suzi and Simon to win the match 4-0.

Franches captain afterwards said
"It was enjoyable. We really enjoyed f****** up them Komby Kids and hope they enjoyed it too."

The Fantastic Franche Four will be celebrating tonight by watching Aladdin and eating lots of Starburst.

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