Thursday 9 January 2014


A group of Wolverley residents, who recently succeeded in winning legal action against a music festival, are to sue God for the noise of Church Bells.

The Wolverley Against Noise, Cease All Sound or W.A.N.C.A.S say their lives are being ruined by church bells and stormy weather and want to tackle the problem by looking incredibly angry in local newspapers.

The group, who have just won a court case against organisers of MAD festival want to take on him upstairs on.
The groups leader, Graham Golden, said
"We all moved to Wolverley for the buzzing local culture and to be by a church. We wanted to see God, not hear him."

Local Councillor, Gordon "Thunderbird" Yarranton said
"We need to do something. Earplugs are not an option. End the bells. Bells - end."

We attempted to speak to God about the situation but were unable to contact him due to poor signal.

Graham Golden says
"Church bells have ruined my life. Every Sunday morning I pray this hell will end."

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